Troubleshoot Test Failures


To understand a test failure, follow these recommended troubleshooting steps:

  1. Analyze Test Results: Look for the error messages in the console output. These messages are derived from assertion or exception messages and are the easiest and fastest way to understand a test failure.

  2. Check the Log Files: Search the root log file, which contains traces and command outputs, as well as the split log files, which are smaller in size.

  3. Search the LISA Code for Issues: Investigate the LISA codebase to identify potential issues.

  4. Reproduce the Failure Manually: Deploy the necessary resources and run the commands to try to reproduce the failure manually.

These steps are ranked in order of ease and speed of resolution. The first two steps are the easiest and fastest to follow and should be sufficient to resolve most issues. The last two steps are more advanced and require more effort but can be useful for complex issues. It is recommended to start with the first steps as they are lower in cost compared to the later steps.

Analyze Test results

  • Console Output

The results of a test run are displayed in the console at conclusion of a test run and saved in log files generated by LISA. The console will display a summary, containing the test suite and case name, test status and a message if applicable. There will be a summary generated that tallies results of all tests results Failures are categorized by similar messages.


In the above example, there are 5 total tests run, with test results of 2 PASSED and 3 SKIPPED. The SKIPPED tests failed to meet requirements for the test environment, due to an insufficient number of nodes and an OS type mismatch, as stated in the message column. See “Final Results” below for more information on the meaning of PASSED and SKIPPED results.

  • Test Result Categories

It’s essential to understand the results after running tests. LISA has 7 kinds of test results in total: 3 of which are intermediate results, and 4 of which are final results, as explained in sections below. Each test case can and will be moved from one result to another but can never have two or more results at the same time.

  • Final results

A final result shows information of a terminated test. It provides more valuable information than the intermediate result. It only appears in the end of a successful test run.


    FAILED tests are tests that did not finish successfully and terminated because of failures like LISA exceptions or Assertion failure. You can use them to trace where the problem was and why the problem happened.


    PASSED tests are tests that passed, or at least partially passed, with a special PASSException that warns there are minor errors in the run but they do not affect the test result.


    SKIPPED tests are tests that did not start and would no longer run. They suggest failure to meet some requirements in the environments involved with the test.


    ATTEMPTED tests are a special category of FAILED tests because of known issues, which are not likely to be fixed soon.

  • Intermediate results

An intermediate result shows information of an unfinished test. It will show up when a test changes its state. If a test run terminates because of error or exception prior to running a test case, only the intermediate result will be provided.


    QUEUED tests are tests that are created, and planned to run (but have not started yet). They are pre-selected by extension/runbook criteria. You can check log to see which test cases are included by such criteria. They suggest that there are some tests waiting to be performed.

    QUEUED tests will try to match every created environment. They will move forward to ASSIGNED if they match any, and to SKIPPED if they match none of the environments.


    ASSIGNED tests are tests that are assigned to an environment, and will start to run, if applicable, once the environment is deployed/initialized. They suggest some environmental setting up is going on.

    ASSIGNED tests will end with FAILED if the environment fails to deploy. Otherwise, they move forward to RUNNING. They will also move backward to QUEUED if the environment is deployed and initialized successfully.


    RUNNING tests are tests that are in test procedure. RUNNING tests will end with one of the following final results.

Log Files

After a test run, the LISA log file will be generated. The log file can be found in the runtime/log directory that is generated after test runs. Navigate sub-folders until you find the log with a timestamp corresponding to the time of the test run. Inside the log’s timestamped folder, the contents are further split by environment and test case. If the test run only has a few cases, the full log (lisa-<timestamp>.log) may be easier to read. If it is run with concurrency, the split logs may be easier to read.


    • environment folder, which contains logs split for the environment.

    • tests folder, which contains logs split for the test cases.

    • lisa.html A formatted summary of test results. It can be viewed by opening the file in a web browser.

    • lisa-<timestamp>.log A full log of the test run. It contains all the information about the test run, including the test cases, environments, and results.


Each line (log entry) in the log file contains the following segments from left to right:

  • timestamp The timestamp corresponding to log entry

  • thread number The thread number of the log entry

  • log level The log level of the log entry

  • component level The component level provides the source of log entry


LISA logs all the commands executed on the remote machine. The commands are logged in the lisa-<timestamp>.log file, unless it is too long. Each command has a random id that is used to collocate async command outputs. Previous output may be reused, so check the environment log to get previous output. The commands are logged in the following format:

  • Command line info The command line that was executed

  • stdout The standard output of the command

  • exit info The exit code of the command


The environment logs are ordered by timestamp. An environment may have multiple nodes.


The serial console logs are for the Azure platform. Use the name column from the environment_stats.log to locate the proper environment folder. The serial console log will be uploaded when the guest is in a bad state.


The test folder may contain more logs, split by test case. If so, a folder with in the format <timestamp>-<testcase> will be created, that containes log files named <timestamp>-<testcase>.log.


Search LISA Code for Issues

If the test results and logs do not provide enough information to resolve the issue, you may need to investigate the LISA codebase itself. Use the stack trace information from the console output or logs to locate the relevant code lines. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Locate the Stack Trace: Find the stack trace in the console output or in the log files located in the runtime/logs directory. The stack trace will show the sequence of function calls that led to the error.

  2. Identify Relevant Code Lines: The stack trace includes file names and line numbers where the error occurred. Use this information to navigate to the corresponding lines in the LISA codebase.

  3. Understand the Flow: Examine the functions and methods mentioned in the stack trace to understand the flow of execution. This will help you identify where the issue might be originating from.

  4. Search for Issues: Look for any anomalies or potential issues in the code around the lines mentioned in the stack trace. This could include incorrect logic, unhandled exceptions, or other bugs.

  5. Contribute Back: If you find areas that can be improved or clarified, consider contributing back to LISA to help others understand the issue through better error messages or code improvements.

Reproduce Failures Manually

If the test results and logs do not provide enough information to resolve the issue, you may need to reproduce the failure manually. Set up your development environment as described in the Development Setup. Deploy the necessary resources, such as virtual machines or cloud services. Try running the commands that caused the test failures and observing output. Be aware that reproducing failures can incur costs, especially in cloud environments, so monitor your resource usage and clean up resources when no longer needed. Some issues may not be reproducible 100% of the time, so examining error messages and logs might be more effective. If you manage to reproduce the issue or find a solution, consider contributing back to LISA by improving error messages, updating documentation, or fixing bugs to help others who might encounter similar issues.